Friday 13 May 2016

Pirate Week

Pirate week in  Cayman is the best you know why? Because most of them dress completely as pirates, and they look so cool! They also fight with real knives!

Image result for pirate week cayman 2016
Image result for pirate week cayman 2016

Cities Lost Forever

I have read about these cities that are lost forever!
Some are very cool and some are not that cool but they may seem cool to you.So here they are (down below).
Image result for city under ashes

These people that have been stuck forever in ash when they are sleeping!In Pompei if you want you can look it up.
Next I am going to send you something else cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 6 May 2016

Dolphin Cove

The Dolphin Cove is a place that you can visit to kiss a dolphin and you get to swim with them too! Some of their dolphin's there have pink lips, but some people say that when a dolphin has pink lips they have some kind of fungus. I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT!
Image result for dolphin cove

Monday 2 May 2016

My Hobbies

My hobbies are reading, playing football or netball and my hobbies that are loved by most people are doing my spelling tests at school and even at home! Did you know that I want to be a scientist and work in a lab with lots of cool things.
Image result for scientists working in a lab
I will also like to be working with two girls (including me)and a boy.
But none of them look like me!
Image result for scientists working in a lab